Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Propaganda in The Declaration of Independence

“The Declaration of Independence” was created to state the reasons for the American Revolution and separation from Great Britain.  In this document, Thomas Jefferson says that people have the right to separate from tyranny in government but they should in doing so state the reasons for which they are separating.  It is this which Jefferson is trying to do throughout the document.  While many of the statements made are reasons for the separation between America and Great Britain, they can also be regarded as propaganda due to the persuasiveness in Jefferson’s writing style. 
Jefferson tells the reader the story of why the colonies in America chose to break away from England.  While he does give reasons to back up his argument, he is giving a clear depiction of a “good” America and a “bad” England.  In one remark, Jefferson states that they have appealed to the people of England for justice, but they have been deaf to their voices.  To be sure, there were some in England who cared about the wellbeing of the colonies, although perhaps not many.  I have read in history books how a couple members of Parliament presented their beliefs that America should be treated fairly otherwise there will be conflict.  Jefferson also was sure to make use of several extreme, for lack of a better word, language.  Barbarous, plundered, ravaged, destroyed, tyranny, imposing, and deprived are only some of the words he thoughtfully chose to use to evoke an emotion in the reader parallel to his cause for independence (Jefferson).  Jefferson also uses description to make his statements appeal to the reader.  He stated, “…the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of wartime is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions” (Jefferson).  By saying “destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions” instead of merely saying “destruction”, Jefferson is creating a sense of empathy towards the colonists, whether the reader is young or old, male or female, and rich or poor (Jefferson).  Finally, by stating that America has a “firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence” (Jefferson), Jefferson even further so makes his statements for separation more honorable. 
“The Declaration of Independence” was a great document which the Founding Fathers chose to base their claims for separation from the mother country of England.  Through the use of deep description, choices of words, appeal to all people, and justification in the sight of God, Jefferson provided a convincing argument for his cause in which many people could understandably be swayed to his way of thinking. 
Works Cited
Jefferson, Thomas. "The Declaration of Independence." American Literature. Colombus: Colombus: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. 122-24. Print.

Benefits to Peppermint Candy

Mints have a large number of benefits.  In the fall season, many people get sick with colds, allergies, etc…  One way which mints help the body is by suppressing coughs.  This occurs due to a key ingredient in the mints- menthol (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain).  The menthol contained in peppermint tea and candy causes an increase in saliva production which leads to swallowing and overwhelming the reflex that causes coughs to occur (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain). Secondly, mints can allow for easier breathing. The menthol in mints can also act as a potent decongestant clearing stuffy noses and causing breathing to be less labored (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain).  In addition, menthol stimulates nerves that sense cold temperatures, creating a cold feeling in your mouth (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain).  This sensation can be used to help sore throats (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain).  Mints are also good for calming an upset stomach.  The menthol stimulates the stomach lining during digestion and thus eases stomach pain (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain).  Likewise, the peppermint herb in mints can ease muscle spasms and cramps (Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain).  It is not too likely that someone would be having a major cramp or spasm attack during English class, but you never know.  It could happen and then a peppermint would save the day.  The peppermint flavor also can be used to refresh a person’s breath.  This might encourage people to talk more since they do not have to worry about what their breath smells like after lunch.  Finally, it is believed that mints can be used to help improve concentration.  With English being the last class of the day, students can use all of the focus they have left and still get distracted from time to time.  Furthermore, since they are low in calories and have no grams of fat, people do not have to worry much about how they would fit into their daily diet (Calories).  One serving has five percent of a person’s daily carbohydrate intake, containing 8 grams of sugar, which would help supply some much needed energy to a person’s day (Calorie).  With all of the many benefits to mints, I think that bringing in some for the class would be a good idea. 
Works Cited
"Calories in Star Brites Peppermint." Calorie Count. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <>.
"Does Peppermint Candy Stimulate the Brain?" LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <>.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Autumn is a beautiful season of the year.  I love to look at the trees and how the leaves turn different colors.  Not only are the leaves beautiful during this time but the weather, depending on where a person lives and how late in the season it is of course, is still decent- not too hot but not freezing either.  This is a good time of the year to invite family over and have a bonfire.  My family used to do this sometimes when I was younger.  It was fun roasting marshmallows over the fire, going on hayrack rides, and jumping across hay bales.  I also used to go to orchards and pumpkin patches in the autumn with my family.   One orchard that we went to let us pick our own apples.  There was also a cornfield maze.  As a little kid, I thought that was really exciting.  One year, my family went to visit an Amish town for some sort of farm festival they were putting together.  They also had a cornfield maze, only this one was much larger than the other one that I had been to.  There were so many fruits and the like that were being sold there.  It seemed like there was an endless supply of gourds.  In addition, I thought that going to the local park for a jack lantern walk was entertaining.  It was amusing looking at all of the hand-carved faces on the pumpkins.  Wearing a jacket would be advisable, but going on bike rides can also be a great activity for the fall.  With all of the activities that can make Autumn an enjoyable time of the year, it is also when allergies and colds for many people begin to kick in again.  Also, the mornings are quite cold.  I much prefer warmer temperatures such as late spring and early summer.  Like any other season, there are perks and drawbacks to Autumn, largely depending on how an individual views that season.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Rational Decision

Once there was a girl named Suzanne.  She was a teenage girl who was always happy and positive.  She got along with just about everyone that she met, but she was especially close to her mom.  They would often talk to each other about how their day was and just spend time together.  Sometimes they would go on trips road trips together.  Her mom would always forget to put her seatbelt on and Suzanne would tease her about that.  It was little things like that which made them feel even closer.  One day, her mom had to go to Chicago for a conference.  She was a little sad that her mom had to leave, since they were so close, but she was also glad that her mom was given the opportunity to travel and present her ideas to others. The day finally came when Suzanne’s mom was leaving for Chicago.  Suzanne’s mom gave her a hug and told her that she would be back later that night.  Time went by and when Suzanne’s mom called to say she was getting ready to drive back home, Suzanne begged her mom to stay in Chicago over the night because it was so late and she was worried that her mom would get tired on the way back.  Also, she told her mom that she should go visit some of the tourist attractions in the area.  She is always so busy that Suzanne felt she deserved a break.  Her mom hesitantly agreed and said that she would be home by 6 PM the next day at the very latest.  The next day comes and it is 7 PM.  Suzanne figures that her mom just ran into heavy traffic and will be home soon.  Not long afterwards the phone rings.  Suzanne answers it to discover that the police were on the other end.  They informed her that her mom had been stabbed to death late last night after getting out of her car to walk half of a mile to the hotel.  Her body was not discovered until around noon the following day and after going through what possessions she still had, they found her home phone number, by which they were talking to Suzanne.  Suzanne was devastated that her mother had been killed.  It especially hurt her that she still would have been alive if she had not told her to stay in Chicago.  She saw what had happened as her responsibility and for a brief time became suicidal.  It took a long time for her friends and others to counsel her and for her to clear her head.  Her friends reminded her that there was no way that she could have been able to predict what happened and that the only reason why she asked her mother to wait before traveling back so soon was because she cared about her.  Eventually, Suzanne, who still deeply missed her mother, was able to recognize that she was not to blame for her mother’s death. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Crucible Act IV: Similarities to "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible are both books which indicate what Puritan values were during the late seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth centuries.  “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” discussed the importance of people to receive Christ and live godly lives.  The Crucible, on the other hand, was first and foremost the story of the Salem witch trials.  Although the main point from each of the two works differed from each other, there were several aspects that linked them together. 

One of these similarities is that the people in the congregations had become relaxed about their faith and were losing some of their values.  Edwards and Reverend Parris were trying to draw people back to Christianity by arousing fear deep inside their hearts.  In order to do this, the reverends chose to give fearful sermons to the church community about the life that would await them in hell if they did not choose to change their ways, repent, and accept Christ as their savior.  Indeed, John Proctor exclaimed, “I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hellfire and bloody damnation…There are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more.” (Miller 28-29).  This statement shows how the ministers were so concerned about “winning over the souls of the lost” that God was hardly talked much about in comparison to the past.  In my opinion, it is important that people remember that there are laws, such as the Ten Commandments, set in place for a reason and if those laws are broken then there will be consequences.  While it is important for this message to be understood, I do not see the necessity in discussing it time after time after time.  As I see it, a person’s relationship with God should be based on faith, love, thankfulness, etc…instead of solely on fear. 

Also, in both of these literary works, repentance was a necessary factor.  Edwards inferred through his statements that repentance was needed for those who wished to change their old ways and turn to God as their lifeline (Edwards 97-99) .  In The Crucible, repentance was also looked for among the alleged witches, although primarily for different reasons than saving that person’s soul. 
In addition, both Reverends Edwards and Parris believed that members of their own congregation would go to hell after their death.  Edwards clearly states this belief in his sermon by using declarations such as, “The wrath of Almighty God is now undoubtedly hanging over a great part of this congregation:  Let everyone fly out of Sodom!” (Edwards 99). Parris likewise says, “There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning!” (Miller 30).  Although the ministers gave warnings to the people that they needed to change, many thought that they were sufficient enough already.  As Edwards writes, “It may be they are now at ease, and hear all these things without much disturbance, and are now flattering themselves that they are not the persons” (Edwards 99).  Several people from The Crucible had stopped attending church, worked on the Sabbath, and did other sins which were unacceptable for their religion.  John Proctor fit this description rather well, although he by no means considered himself a saint. 

Both “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and The Crucible exhibited similarities towards one another.  It may be true that these events took place several decades apart from each other and were concerning different topics.  However, they both shared some similar themes which reflected well together.

Works Cited
Edwards, Jonathan. "From Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." American Literature.  Colombus: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009. 97-99. Print.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York, NY: Penguin, 1996. Print.

The Effects of Bullying

Bullying is a major issue faced in society that takes a negative effect against both the victim as well as the bully.  One way that bullying can affect a victim is by making that person feel as if he/she is not good enough.  The victim could go through a phase of depression.  They may try to change who they are so that others will not tease them anymore and possibly even acknowledge them.  If this fails and the feelings of worthlessness remain, then that person may resort to measures such as cutting, starving, or other ways of hurting himself/herself.  Sometimes people being bullied come to believe that what others saying about them is true even when it is not.  If someone says that he/she is stupid, ugly, worthless, etc… then it must be true.  They become so tired of being teased and looked down upon that they do not know where to turn and there is confusion and fear that arise.  In severe cases, some victims even commit suicide.  This is devastating because that person had a purpose and destiny in his/her life but was unable to recognize it because he/she did not even know who he/she should be or how to settle the issues going on in his/her life.  Often, victims of bullying will begin to disconnect with their peers and prefer to be alone much of the time.  If that person gives any hints or asks for help it is important to not turn him/her away but rather to be there to talk, listen to, and support your friend. 
There are also tolls taken on the bully in addition to the victim.  If the bully ever realizes that his/her behavior towards a person were wrong, then he/she may feel a sense of remorse for the actions.  Also, being a bully does not promote the quality of good character that is so desperately sought out in the work force.  This person does not appear to be paving the road for a happy and successful life.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Crucible Act III: Human Nature

Human nature is commonly displayed in books to give them a more realistic feeling.  Without putting peoples’ natural reactions into the plot of the story, the reader loses the sense of reality.  Throughout the course of the plot in The Crucible, the characters share similar attitudes to what could be still understandable today. 

One aspect of human nature which is expressed in this book is that people generally take some sort of stand for what they believe is upright.  Mr. Giles, Mr. Proctor, and Mr. Nurse, for example, all came to court to protest the the charges put against their wives for witchcraft (Miller 87).  Also, Mary Warren finally came forward to confess that she and the other girls had been lying all along to save themselves from punishment as well as for sport (Miller 106).  Reverend Hale, after realizing that the charges were ludicrous, denounced the proceedings (Miller 120).  Even the officials in Salem, however twisted their ideology may have been, seemed to have thought that they were doing what was righteous in the eyes of the Almighty God by fulfilling His will and protecting the people. 

Secondly, this book provides a depiction of how people can become manipulated so easily.  All that Abigail and the other village girls had to do was act as though they were possessed or faint and the authorities (i.e. Danforth) believed that the person brought forth to them was a witch (Miller 53, 117).

 Another point reflecting human nature is that many people will do whatever is necessary to save themselves.  This is depicted in Mary Warren.  She confesses to perjury, yet when pressures arise and her life is threatened, she recants her statement and rejoins with Abigail and the others (Miller 118). 

Vengeance is also a common human trait.  In Act 1, Abigail tells the other girls, “Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you” (Miller 20).  After Mary betrays Abigail, Abigail and the other girls act as if they are being possessed by Mary, even when it is probable that Mary would be hung for such allegations (Miller 117). Mary’s claims against John Proctor most likely came from her loathing of him.  After having been treated poorly by Proctor for such a period of time, it is probable that she saw this as her opportunity to seek revenge and to get rid of him once and for all (Miller 59). 

Finally, people for the most part try to act in a way which would be beneficial to himself/ herself.  Although Reverend Parris had a pretty good idea that his daughter and niece partook in sorcery, he knows that such rumors would annihilate his already damaged reputation (Miller 16).  Thus, he attempts to cover up the truth and goes along with the girls’ story in order to save his name in the town.  Also, many people lied about being witches simply in order to save their own life (Miller). 

Thus far in the book there have been several depictions of human nature.  They help the reader by giving an impression of how a real person would act.  This makes the plot more entertaining for the reader as well as preventing some potential confusion.  
Works Cited
Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York, NY: Penguin, 1996. Print.

Consequences for Giving False Testimony

Blaming a person for something that he/she did not do is definitely not a good thing by all accounts.  The eighth commandment plainly says to not give false testimony against your neighbor.  If a person beaks any one of the commandments then God will punish him/her.  For any wrong deed there are consequences, whether they are immediately realized or not.  Blaming a person for something that he/she did not do is a good example of how a deed can turn against oneself.

Giving false testimony is like a boomerang.  It is fun to throw but if not caught it will come back and hit the person that threw it.  One way that this may come back to hurt the person is if the truth is somehow revealed and people finally realize that the person was lying.  This would lead to no one trusting the person that lied anymore and he/she would be looked down upon.  Also, others may not want to associate with her for fear that he/she would tell lies about them.  People would also not want to be associated with that person because then they would also be looked down upon for being acquainted with such a person.  Finally, when one may think that no one else knows what he/she did, God does and He holds each person accountable for his/her actions and thoughts.   Giving false testimony is a serious offense that is not taken lightly.  In today’s court of law, a person who lies during a proceeding or gives false testimony, similar to how the girls in Salem acted during the witch trials, is guilty of perjury.  That person could be made to pay a large sum of money and serve years in jail.  The punishments were even worse in England long ago when the perjurer could be sentenced to death, banishment, or to have his tongue severed (Doyle). 

As this essay response showed, blaming someone for something that he/she did not do is a serious offense.  Not only does have devastating effects for a person’s social life, but also economic and spiritual.  It is best to always tell the truth even when it may not appear as the most appealing choice. 
Works Cited
Doyle, Charles (2010). "Perjury Under Federal Law: A Brief Overview". Congressional Research Service.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Parental Discipline

Parental discipline is an important issue that parents have to make.  It can be difficult to draw the line between being overly caring to the point where the kids practically get away with what they did and being too strict.  Parents want to teach their children that a certain action they had done is wrong without being so stern that they may damage the children’s emotional wellbeing.  So how can this be done effectively?  While it may be difficult, there is a way to get through to your kids in a proper manner. 
            I strongly believe that punishments are a good thing.  Proverbs 13:24 says, “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” This may sound harsh, but it is very important that one does “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)  If a child does not learn from his mistakes, then they come to believe that those actions are acceptable and will continue to do them after the child is grown.  As quoted from Hebrews 12:11, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”  If the child is young and depending on the severity of the wrong, a spanking may be acceptable.  This does not mean a beating as that would not only be cruel but also more damaging than beneficial.  As the child grows older, however, different punishments may come into play.  If for example, your teenager back talks you, I would take away his access to any technology (iPod, car, television, computer, etc...) for at least a week as well as ground him.  There are, of course, other ways that a teen could be punished, like maybe doing certain chores around the house.  It is important that the child knows that you still care for him and that your love is unconditional but that if he breaks the rules there will be consequences.  It might also be a good idea to try giving punishments that fit with the offense.  For example, if your child stays up past bedtime, then make him go to bed early the next night.  Finally, make sure that the child understands what it is that he did wrong and what the proper action should have been. 
            While coming up with an appropriate punishment may be a confusing and difficult decision, it is important that the parent inflicts strict rules and discipline if those rules are broken.  The child should not feel like he is hated by his parents but that he is being corrected because his parents love and care for him. 
Works Cited
"37 Bible Verses about Discipline Of Children." What Does the Bible Say About Discipline Of Children? N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
The Holy Bible. Glasgow [Scotland: Collins, 1989. Print.

The Crucible Act 2: Personality

A personality reflects a person’s character and actions.  Some of the major classifications for personality include:  helper, thinker, planner and doer.  A helper is someone who has good people skills, communication, and feels the need to make a difference in others’ lives (Blue Helper).  A thinker is a creative problem solver and believes that knowledge is power; he or she has an unquenchable desire for understanding (Green Thinker).  The planner personality type is typically conventional, has a high respect for authority, and a strong sense of right and wrong (Yellow Planner).  The final personality type, the doer, is a persuasive motivator and courageous by acting on a moment’s notice (Red Doer).  The characters in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible display different personalities which provide reasoning for the way that they act. 
            One of the main characters in the story is a young lady by the name of Abigail Williams.  She is bossy, threatening, malicious, and crafty.  When the other girls who she had been practicing witchcraft with arrive, she intimidates them by saying that will kill them if tell about what they did on the night that they were caught dancing (Miller 20).  Abigail uses the superstition of the town not only to her advantage by staying alive but also to put claims against Mrs. Proctor (Miller 73), whom she saw as being in the way of her relationship with John Proctor (Miller 22).  By analyzing Abigail’s behavior in the first two acts, I would label her, as well as several of the other girls, as a doer.  Similar to the description of the doer, she is able to convince the others that she had been influenced into taking part in witchcraft and was thus not guilty (Miller 44).   She also makes several of her decisions by looking at the present rather than the future.  When she realizes that giving out names will of alleged devil worshipers, she keeps naming one after another (Miller 48).  In addition, Abigail also tries to have Mrs. Proctor killed by drinking a charm (Miller 19) and later by accusing her of witchcraft (Miller 73).  She does not consider how this would affect the relationship between John and her.  Abigail seems to be very “in the moment” and if she wants something then nothing will stand in her way of getting it. 
            Reverend Parris is another important person in this work.  The uncle of Abigail and father of Betty (Miller 8), he is the one who spotted the girls at night performing witchcraft (Miller 10).  His character is stern and partial to those whom he sees as sinners.  When he is accused of preaching too much about hell, Parris sticks by his decision and says, “There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning!” (Miller 30).  Due to his strong beliefs in right and wrong, Parris could be classified as a planner.  This trait helps determine some of his behaviors such as not wanting to accept that witchcraft had been used because it would be a disgrace for the town to see that members of his own family partook in sorcery.  He felt a need to keep his appearance as untarnished as possible in order to maintain his status as a person with authority. 
            The third character to be discussed is Reverend Hale.  He is dedicated to studying the ways of demons that he may cast them out of people.  When he arrives at Parris’s house, he is carrying a load of books (Miller 36).  When questioned about how heavy the books are, Hale replies, “They must be; they are weighted with authority…We shall need hard study if it comes to tracking down the Old Boy.” (Miller 36-37).  This suggests that Hale is a thinker.  He believes that knowledge is power and he searches for understanding of demonic roots.  His personality brings forth his actions in the way that he gives the impression of being completely focused on facts and possibilities to decide who might be a witch.  He let is factual information override his rationality.  Even after thirty-nine women were arrested on the basis of witchcraft, including Rebecca Nurse, he still believed that it was possible that they were all guilty (Miller 64). 
            Personality can play a key role in the way that people carry out their lives.  Different people have different temperaments which cause them to respond to situations differently than others might.  The characters in The Crucible are a fair example of how a person’s personality can direct the way that person makes his or her choices. 
Works Cited
"Carolyn Kalil Career Green Thinker Card Results." Carolyn Kalil Career Green Thinker Card Results. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
"Carolyn Kalil Career Quiz Blue Helper Card Results." Carolyn Kalil Career Quiz Blue Helper Card Results. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
"Carolyn Kalil Career Red Doer Card Results." Carolyn Kalil Career Red Doer Card Results. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
"Carolyn Kalil Career Yellow Planner Card." Carolyn Kalil Career Yellow Planner Card. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York, NY: Penguin, 1996. Print.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


When I was young my family and I traveled to Florida to visit other relatives and to go to the beach.  I was really excited.  I had been to Florida a few years earlier to go to Walt Disney World and I really enjoyed it.  The long drive over there was not much fun, of course.  However, it was worth it when we finally arrived at our destination.  Our hotel was right on the edge of the beach, so we could simply go outside and walk on the beach.  I loved walking in the water and collecting seashells.  My goal was to try to find as many Sand Dollars as possible.  I was a little worried after I found some later but they were practically surrounded by stingrays.  There was also a poor just outside of the hotel.  My brother tried teaching me how to do different dives and swimming techniques but I did not catch on right away.  We then went to some seafood restraint.  I had a snow crab and it surprised me that the crab was still in its shell and I had to break it off with some sort of instrument that the waitress gave me.  After being in Florida long enough we went to visit my aunt who lives by Atlanta.  For some reason I had not been feeling well during that time.  We all went to a large aquarium exhibit that otherwise would have been very interesting to look at but the only thing that I felt like doing was staying home.  I do remember that there were small sharks and stingrays that you could pet and there was a poster showing a Japanese Sea Crab which it claimed can grow as big as a car.  When we finally got back home I wanted to stay in bed for a long time because of what I thought was the stomach flu.  The irony of the situation is that my brother would check up on how I was doing and bring crackers for me to eat (I didn’t feel like eating anything), etc..  I told him that he should stay away from me unless he wants to get sick too, but he would not leave.  A couple days later I felt better and he was the one that was sick.  While one might think that going to Disney World would be more fun than going to the beach and an aquarium, this trip was far more memorable.

The Crucible Act 1

The Crucible is shows both qualities of Puritan writing as well as the breakdown of Puritan beliefs.  The government in this book is a theocracy, which would go along with the Puritan ideals since they were not very tolerant of other religions.  Another way in which this book depicts Puritanism is that while Reverend Parris is in the room, there is a crowd gathered whom he later leads in prayer and songs (Miller 24).  In contradiction to the Puritan beliefs, Proctor says that he does not like the “hellfire and damnation” in Parris’ sermons (Miller 28).  Several people have also not been attending church for some time (Miller Act 1).  This being said along with the quote suggests that Parris was trying to scare some people into attending church, somewhat like Jonathan Edwards did in his sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.  This would have been occurring during the breakdown of Puritan beliefs because people were becoming relaxed with their beliefs so the reverends would try to get them to see their mistakes and repent.  In addition, Mrs. Putnam asks for Tituba to contact the spirits of her dead children and to ask them who had murdered them (Miller 15).  This is also strongly against Puritan ideals.  One key principle for Puritans was to praise God for everything, even if it does not seem like something that is a blessing.  They believe that everything happens for a reason and that God is in control.  By asking a child to perform witchcraft by trying to contact spirits of the dead, she is not putting her trust in God and is committing an abominable act.  In conclusion, the book showed several of the Puritan beliefs as well as the beginning of the break from Puritan ideals.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York, NY: Penguin, 1996. Print.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Being Held Hostage

Being held hostage, like Mary Rowlandson, would be a difficult situation to be placed in.  It would be difficult to say for certain precisely how one would act it is possible to guess.  Many times people think that if something happened they would surely act one way but when it actually happens they act another.  This is just one of those situations where one would have to actually experience it first hand before knowing how his or her reaction would be.  I would suppose, however, that in such a case, my reaction would be alarmed but not really in a panic mode.  I might want to be afraid and worry about what will happen to me.  I might even try desperately to escape if I am feeling brave.  On the other hand, a person in this situation needs to remember that they are not in control of what happens to them, God is.  If it is His will that one should escape bondage, then He will do so in His own good and perfect timing.  A Bible verse which reminds us of this is Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).  Fear and later anger would be the natural responses in many situations such as being help captive, having a family member or friend who passed away, losing a job, etc..  Sometimes we can get carried away by all of the worries in life that we forget who has created and sustained us all along.  Another good verse to remember is, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26).  It is important to remember that God cares for each of us and if we put our trust in Him, He will deliver us from our despairs in time.  In the meanwhile, we should not be grudging over what is going wrong with our lives, but rather be thankful for what the Lord has given to us.

RomansThe Holy Bible. Colorado Springs: International Bible Society, 1973. Print.
MatthewThe Holy Bible. Colorado Springs: International Bible Society, 1973. Print.

How Of Plymouth Plantation reflects Puritan Values

By reading only a part of William Bradford’s journal, Of Plymouth Plantation, it is still obvious that it is a reflection of Puritan writing.  Bradford sailed to America with the other pilgrims on the Mayflower and became the first governor of the Plymouth settlement.  In his book, he tells about the journey to the new world was like as well as their later life in the colony.  A common theme in this book is to be grateful to God for what He has blessed us with.  There are numerous accounts where Bradford depicts this idea.  One of which is “Being thus arrived in a good harbor and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven, who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element” (Bradford 124)  This shows how the people, similar to Puritan beliefs put their faith in God that He would deliver them through the rough voyage and safely land them in the new world.  Puritans were focused solely on God.  They were grateful for the blessings that He bestowed upon them and they were not distressed when things were not going the way they would have preferred; but in all things, they knew that God was with them to protect and provide.  Bradford also writes, “What could now sustain them but the spirit of God and his grace?”  (124). The pilgrims had certainly been going through a difficult and tireless journey to be allowed the freedom to freely practice their religion.  In order to escape from the Church of England and the Catholic Church, many Puritans sailed to Holland before venturing off to America on boats such as the Mayflower.  Once on the ship there were often difficulties, too.  Disease was one of them.  Bradford tells the story, “And I may not omit here a special work of God's providence. There was a proud and very profane young man, one of the sea-men, of a lusty, able body, which made him the more haughty; he would always be condemning the poor people in their sickness, and cursing them daily with grievous execrations, and did not let to tell them, that he hoped to help to cast half of them overboard before they came to their journey's end, and to make merry with what they had; and if he were by any gently reproved, he would curse and swear most bitterly. But it pleased God before they came half seas over, to smite this young man with a grievous disease, of which he died in a desperate manner, and so was himself the first that was thrown overboard. Thus his curses light on his own head; and it was an astonishment to all his fellows, for they noted it to be the just hand of God upon him” (122).  This story says that they believed that God was in control of everything.  He could determine who became sick and died as well as who lived.  The Puritans believed that God had punished the young man, in an ironic sense I might add, for how he had treated the others on the journey.  So, those who were sick but had faith in God were healed while those who doubted or criticized were killed.  Another important quote I would like to add is, “May not and ought not the children of these fathers rightly say: "Our fathers were Englishmen which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness; but they cried unto the Lord, and he heard their voice, and looked on their adversity, etc. Let them therefore praise the Lord, because he is good, and his mercies endure forever. Yea, let them which have been redeemed of the Lord, show how he hath delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. When they wandered in the desert wilderness out of the way, and found no city to dwell in, both hungry, and thirsty, their soul was overwhelmed in them. Let them confess before the Lord his loving kindness, and his wonderful works before the sons of men” (Bradford 124).  This quote again shows the great faith of the pilgrims, how they trusted in God and He delivered them. 

Bradford, William. Of Plymouth Plantation. Massachusetts: MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 1856. N. pag. Print.