Monday, April 29, 2013

Journal #41: Describing a Hero

A hero is someone who selflessly helps others despite not gaining anything for himself and sometimes even putting himself in harm’s way.  Some examples of action heroes that are well-known these days could include Spiderman, Superman, and the Fantastic Four.  All of these characters were given super powers, which help them save many lives and even the even the entire world in the movies.  Just because they had these abilities did not mean that they had to use them for good, however.  As seen in Spiderman 3, a hero could fight a battle within himself and use the abilities for darker purposes than protecting the innocent.  While an action character might be the first person that many would think of upon hearing the word “hero”, they are certainly not the only ones; thankfully there are real-life heroes as well.  Police, firefighters, and soldiers are heroes, too.  Imagine facing life without someone to help when your house catches on fire, when your country is under attack, and the crime rate is soaring.  They all put so much at stake to ensure the safety of others; some unfortunately have to pay with their lives to maintain this safety.  It is true that these people are certainly heroes, but have you ever thought of everyday citizens as heroes, too?  Well, many times they are.  Good parents can be heroes to their children by providing for them and giving them a loving environment to grow up in.  Other family members or friends can also be role models, which is in a way a type of hero.  Siblings that are supportive of one another, setting a good example, and showing unconditional love are incredibly important beyond the means that words can explain.  If a person is going through a hard time, then someone could be a hero by encouraging that person and assuring him or her that things will be okay.  My point in all of this is simply that there are numerous kinds of heroes, some that are more obvious than others, but they all share an unquestionable significance. 

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